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10 Easy Steps Towards A More Flexible You


10 Easy Steps Towards A More Flexible You

10 Easy Steps Towards A More Flexible You

If you’re here, reading this right now then you are among thousands of people wanting to get in better shape by improving their flexibility. Creating a daily stretching routine that works for you prevents injury while promoting healthy blood flow and positive mental and physical vibes.

The best part is that improving your flexibility doesn’t require much more than some good old-fashioned determination. You can work on it anywhere, anytime and the results are tried, tested and true. So without further ado, let’s get moving on a more flexible you!

The Dynamic Warm Up

Dynamic warm up’s have been around for over a decade; first gaining popularity among professional athletes before making it’s way to the general population. What makes a stretch dynamic? The addition of motion. Static stretches consist of poses that are held for anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds. For years, static stretching was the name of the game and while it still holds value, dynamic stretching has been crowned as a better way to warm up.

Dynamic stretches usually involve two movements at once: high kicks while walking or twisting during a lunge or hip stretch are classic examples of dynamic stretching. A dynamic warm-up will also help activate your muscles, increasing overall strength and endurance. Before setting your routing, speak to a fitness specialist to help you determine your goals and avoid accidental injury.


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