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Get More Out of Your Body! 10 Amazing Metabolism Boosters

Get More Out of Your Body! 10 Amazing Metabolism Boosters

Get More Iron

metabolism iron

Iron and you. You need it. You need it because without it, your blood would not be able to bind oxygen and you’d die. You need it to help run your immune system, to help with the fiber and cells involved in the connective tissue holding you together. Lastly, you need iron for the different parts of your brain to communicate with each other. Iron is important.

Your metabolic rate benefits from iron because it can bind oxygen which is a key point in the burning of energy. Oxygen has been burning fuel for the last 2.3 billion years; it’s safe to say it knows what it’s doing. So eat more spinach, beans, dried food, meat, and seafood to keep that iron up and you’ll be doing your metabolic rate a solid.


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