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Get More Out of Your Body! 10 Amazing Metabolism Boosters

Get More Out of Your Body! 10 Amazing Metabolism Boosters

The “NEAT” Approach

metabolism NEAT

The NEAT approach is a tidy, little acronym for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. The most intriguing part of this is the “non-exercise” part. A process that relies more on little differences to the daily routine, which when added up, help burn more calories and aid in weight loss. Created by Dr.James Levine, the NEAT approach is one of mindfulness and a touch of discipline.

A core piece of NEAT is an idea of taking 10,000 steps a day. It’s a reminder that in a world of cars, escalators, elevators, and Segways, taking the stairs and walking to and from locations might not save time, but it can save your life.


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