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Get More Out of Your Body! 10 Amazing Metabolism Boosters

Get More Out of Your Body! 10 Amazing Metabolism Boosters

Avoid Booze

metabolism alcohol

There are so many reasons to be wary of and limit alcohol consumption and your metabolism is definitely one of them. While a small glass of wine can be good for your body, any more than that and things go downhill. This is because booze is extremely high in sugar; too high for your body to process and then expend. This extra energy is stored as fat. On top of weight gain, alcohol is a known natural depressant; Anyone who’s ever watched their entire “to do” list go untouched after a couple beers knows how quickly drinking can sap the body of energy.

Most studies suggest as little as three drinks a week, while others state a glass of red wine a day has certain health benefits, mainly to the heart. If you’re not sure whether or not you’re drinking too much, you probably are and should cut back.


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