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Get More Out of Your Body! 10 Amazing Metabolism Boosters

Get More Out of Your Body! 10 Amazing Metabolism Boosters

Break a Little Sweat

metabolism exercise

Something that it often overlooked is the link between muscle mass and metabolism. As we age, muscle mass tends, creating less demand on the body to burn energy; in turn, this increases the risk of hypothyroidism. That’s not to say age is the only factor: people who sit for long periods of time, those who live a sedentary life style or people who have complications with mobility due to injury or illness are also at risk.

No one is saying you have to go and run a marathon; exercises such as water aerobics, tai chi, light weight lifting or even a vigorous walk can do wonders to boosting your metabolism. Remember, the muscle needs more energy and therefore burns more calories than fat. So even when you’re not working out, your muscle mass is working for you.


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