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Get More Out of Your Body! 10 Amazing Metabolism Boosters

Get More Out of Your Body! 10 Amazing Metabolism Boosters

Moderate Stress

metabolism stress

Stress has long been known to increase the risk of a condition known as adrenal fatigue. When someone is under great stress, whether it be physical, mental or emotional, the adrenal gland creates cortisol, a chemical which induces the “fight or flight” reactions in humans. Cortisol is also used to regulate the metabolism; too much stress and the adrenal gland can burn out, causing a host of symptoms, a slowed metabolism being one of them.

Considering stress as a health concern can be hard to comprehend; after all, we all have some stress in our lives so how can we know when it’s become a problem? If you’re concerned your adrenal gland might be worn down, add more coconut, avocado, fatty fish, nuts and seeds to your diet as these are all rich in nutrients while being low in fat and sugar. Avoid recovery inhibitors such as sugar and caffeine.

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