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10 Interesting Facts About Gout: You May Be At Risk

10 Interesting Facts About Gout: You May Be At Risk

Cut Down On Purines

gout purines

Not everyone with higher-than-normal levels of uric acid will suffer from gout. Men are more likely to get it than women and if there is a family history the risk level increases. It is estimated that about 21 percent of adult Americans have abnormally high levels of uric acid. The cause of these elevated levels can be traced back to organic compounds called purines. Purines are found heavily in meats such as wild game, seafood and beef. Sugary beverages like pop and alcohol also contain high amounts of purine.

Normally, the body breaks these purines down into uric acid which then finds it’s way into the bloodstream. The majority of this acid is removed from the bladder when urinating. The first step towards treating gout is to lower the number of purines consumed. How long this low purine diet must be followed is case to case. It can take two years for urate crystals to be cleared from the body so it’s best to find a low purine diet you enjoy and get used to it.


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