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10 Interesting Facts About Gout: You May Be At Risk

10 Interesting Facts About Gout: You May Be At Risk

Sudden Pain vs Chronic Gout

gout chronic

Once someone has gout, they never truly get rid of it. Oh sure, they may have it once and never show up again but it still exists in the body. Left untreated, a second attack of gout is expected within two years of the first showing. Without preventative treatment, attacks can become more frequent and severe while affecting multiple joints at once. If steps are not taken to reduce uric acid levels, nodules called tophi begin to form. These nodules are uric acid deposits and can eventually protrude from the skin, taking on a white, chalky look.

If these nodules are left to persist and grow, pain can become chronic. Chronic pain is caused by extensive damage to the cartilage, bone, tendons and bursae sacs surrounding the joint. Surgery is often needed to remove nodules which are causing chronic pain. Luckily, it takes several years for chronic gout to set in. If steps are taken early on, there is a great likely hood gout will only appear once and never again.


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