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10 Interesting Facts About Gout: You May Be At Risk

10 Interesting Facts About Gout: You May Be At Risk

Pain Often Intensifies At Night

gout night pain

People suffering through a bout of gout will note that pain is often worse at night than during the day. For a long time, this was considered a sort of medical myth. A study published in Arthritis & Rheumatology found that patients were far more likely to experience pain between midnight and 8 A.M. Regardless of age, weight and sex, there was a 250 percent increase in pain felt at night.

It is still unknown what causes increased bouts of pain at night. One popular suggestion is that our bodies have less fluid in them at night and this dehydration can irritate gout. Another theory is hormonal changes brought on during slumber. A drop in cortisol levels could very well be the link to intense night pain. Medication should be taken at the proper time of day to ensure it sees patients through the night.


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