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10 Interesting Facts About Gout: You May Be At Risk

10 Interesting Facts About Gout: You May Be At Risk

Pre-existing Medical Conditions


Certain pre-existing medical conditions can increase risk of gout. Illnesses such as diabetes, congestive heart failure, issues with metabolism, high blood pressure or poor kidney function can all cause the onset of gout. Conditions which hamper the kidneys are particularly risky because waste removal is compromised. Hypothyroidism can cause weight gain and insulin resistance and both of these are known contributors of gout.

Because gout is caused by too much uric acid, the best thing to do is control what you eat and drink. Conditions known to increase the risk of gout should be noted and steps taken to avoid uric acid build up. Avoiding food and drink high in purines is a great first step to keeping healthy. Check with your doctor for ways to maintain a healthy diet that works for you.


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