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10 Interesting Facts About Gout: You May Be At Risk

10 Interesting Facts About Gout: You May Be At Risk

Surgery Is An Option

gout surgery

There are a number of surgeries which can be performed on patients with severe gout. When left untreated, gout becomes increasingly severe. Episodes can become more common, more painful and in some cases become permanent. Nodules of uric acid that commonly build up around the toe and fingers become a concern. Joint inflammation becomes worse as bone begins to rub on bone.  Chronic gout will eventually lead to destructive arthritis and at this point surgery becomes necessary.

There are three common surgeries when dealing with gout. The first is to remove the nodules of uric acid. these nodules are prone to bursting and can become infected. In cases where there is irreversible joint damage, the second surgery involves the fusing joints together permanently. Smaller joints are fused to limit movement and ease chronic pain. The third surgery is to replace the joint entirely with either Teflon or steel. Most commonly, knees are the joint to be replaced as they are prone to everyday wear and tear.


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