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Life After Childbirth: 10 Conditions To Watch For After Giving Birth

Life After Childbirth: 10 Conditions To Watch For After Giving Birth

Uterine Prolapse

childbirth prolapsed uterus

Uterine Prolapse is a terrifying condition in which a woman’s uterus literally falls out of her after childbirth. For weeks after delivering a baby, a woman is still recuperating from having had certain parts of her body stretched and pulled. When the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor are not adequately strengthened, the uterus is able to slide down and can begin to protrude from the vagina. In the worst cases, the uterus can completely fall out, requiring surgery to replace or remove it.

There are simple and effective solutions to avoiding uterine prolapse. Kegel exercises specifically tailored to strengthening pelvic muscles are the most obvious answer; as is avoiding heavy lifting and estrogen replacement therapy. In some cases, women will wear a pessary; a device which slides into the vagina and stabilizes the cervix and uterus.


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