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Hemorrhoids: 13 Cures to Stop The Hurt

Hemorrhoids: 13 Cures to Stop The Hurt

Get More Fiber

A recent study done by the American Gastroenterological Association suggests that roughly 16 percent of Americans suffer from chronic constipation. That number jumps to 33 percent for Americans over the age of 60. It’s probably not surprising that one of the major factors leading to hemorrhoids is constipation. Straining and pushing puts a lot of pressure on sensitive areas around the bottom and can lead to bulging and broken blood vessels. One of the best ways to combat constipation is to increase daily fiber intake. Stay away from laxatives as they can lead to hemorrhoid irritation.

There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Both types of fiber offer a host of benefits ranging from lowering blood sugar to decreasing the risk of certain types of cancer. For those living with hemorrhoids, insoluble fiber is a game changer. Foods containing insoluble fiber include carrots, nuts, rice, potatoes and cauliflower. Suggested doses of daily fiber for men under the age of 50 is 38 grams, dropping to 30 grams for men aged 51 and over. Women under the age of 50 should be getting 25 grams of fiber a day while women aged 51 and over should be aiming for about 21 grams a day.


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