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Hemorrhoids: 13 Cures to Stop The Hurt

Hemorrhoids: 13 Cures to Stop The Hurt

Try Squatting and Don’t Force the Issue

Let’s face it: if you’ve got hemorrhoids there is a good chance you aren’t crazy about the idea of sitting down. That’s totally understandable and also completely OK. In fact, it’s suggested you don’t sit down at all when it’s time for you to do your business. Instead, try copping a squat. It’s not going to work for everybody and might feel really weird but this is actually a way healthier way to have a bowel movement. Sitting while pooping puts a kink in your intestines which increases pressure on your rectum. This pressure is a direct contributor to hemorrhoids. Squatting eliminates this kink and creates a straight path for your BM to travel down.

While we’re on the topic, if you aren’t ready to poop yet please don’t try to force it. All the red-faced, sweaty forehead grunting in the world won’t necessarily make it happen for you and you’re going to burst a vessel…and that vessel is going to be in your anus. If it doesn’t feel right, take some time to stretch and loosen up the area then try again.


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