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Take It Easy! Here’s 10 Ways To Dodge Hypertension

Take It Easy! Here’s 10 Ways To Dodge Hypertension

9. Pay Attention To Your Age

hypertension age

When I was a kid I remember that my family wasn’t super unhealthy but we weren’t winning any awards for eating right or being physically active. A little while after my Dad retired he had a heart attack which was brought on, in part, by hypertension. Turns out his blood pressure had been riding high, as well as having high cholesterol and blood sugar counts.

Since then, both of my parents have taken to jogging, walking and eating healthier choices. There’s no two ways about it, nobody’s getting any younger and as we age we need to be aware of changes in our bodies. Blood pressure natural raises as we age and our hearts begin to tire. Make sure to treat yourself right as you enter your middle and later years.


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