1 Million Americans Suffer From Blood Clots A Year: 10 Common Causes of Blood Clots
Acquired Thrombophilia
Thrombophilia is a condition where blood cells become easily coagulated and more inclined to clot. Up to 50 percent of patients who recorded blood clots have been diagnosed with this condition. Some types of thrombophilia are inherited; these include deficiencies in certain specialized proteins the body uses to stop blood from clotting too easily.
There are a variety of conditions which fall under the term acquired thrombophilia. Illnesses such as lupus, cancer, and sickle-cell disease have all been linked to blood clots as have reactions to medications such as heparin. If you’ve recently started taking estrogen or testosterone, medications or have been diagnosed with a new illness, have your doctor schedule a blood test to make sure you aren’t at risk of clotting and pulmonary embolism.