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Fibromyalgia Symptoms: 10 Ways Chronic Pain Attacks


Fibromyalgia Symptoms: 10 Ways Chronic Pain Attacks

Fibromyalgia Symptoms: 10 Ways Chronic Pain Attacks

Fibromyalgia(FM) is a common and mysterious chronic pain condition. It’s estimated that worldwide, anywhere from three to six percent of the population suffers from fibromyalgia. In America alone, roughly 10 million people live with daily chronic pain caused by this disorder. While the cause of the disease remains shrouded in darkness, it is believed chronic pain sufferers may interpret pain differently than a normal person.

Fibromyalgia is hard to diagnose because the symptoms are commonly found in other illnesses. There is no cure for FM but treatment can greatly reduce the symptoms and pain caused by this disorder. Knowing what to look for can help with receiving treatment quickly.

Fibro Fog

fibromyalgia fog

Fibro fog is a term used to explain the cognitive impairment fibromyalgia patients have to deal with. The severity of this fog is different from person to person. In some cases, individuals have claimed this fogginess is actually worse than the pain caused from FM. Common symptoms of fibro fog include:

  • easily misplacing objects
  • short-term memory loss
  • complications with focusing
  • difficulty communicating

The cause of fibro fog is unknown but researchers have a theory it has to do with sleep. The pain caused by FM tends to disrupt sleep patterns. Often, when a patient is complaining of feeling foggy, they’ve been waking up several times during the night. Another theory is that certain areas of the brain are being deprived of oxygen during sleep cycles. Fibro fog can be remedied by combining medication such as amitriptyline with physical exercise and cognitive behavioral therapy.


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