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Ovarian Cancer Affects 1 in 75 Women: Get To Know These Common Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian Cancer Affects 1 in 75 Women: Get To Know These Common Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

9. Constipation

ovarian cancer 9

Another symptom commonly ignored is constipation. Ovarian cancer can lead to tumors which can put pressure on areas such as the bladder, stomach and bowels. Sometimes, a tumor can swell to the point of pinching and blocking the bowels entirely; this, in turn, can lead to constipation. Women who begin suffering constipation should try a combination of stretching, exercising as well as increasing their water and fiber intake.

As always, if the problem persists after making changes to diet and daily activities, look for other warning signs of possible ovarian cancer and take the proper steps to getting looked at.


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