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Ovarian Cancer Affects 1 in 75 Women: Get To Know These Common Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian Cancer Affects 1 in 75 Women: Get To Know These Common Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

7. Fatigue

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One of the most common symptoms to be found among most illnesses is a feeling of unwarranted fatigue. Getting a full nights sleep and still feeling tired can point to a trove of diseases and complications so it’s important to consider any other symptoms that might help narrow down what’s wrong. While the exact cause of fatigue is unknown, it is believed to be linked to the bodies’ attempt to fight off the illness; in doing so, it uses up energy which increases feelings of tiredness.

If you’re noticing a subtle, constant low energy in your daily life, try taking vitamins or utilize relaxation techniques to boost your body. Get checked out to eliminate other possible causes of fatigue such as hypertension or sleep apnea; the sooner you can isolate the reason for your fatigue, the sooner effective treatment can begin.


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