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Ovarian Cancer Affects 1 in 75 Women: Get To Know These Common Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian Cancer Affects 1 in 75 Women: Get To Know These Common Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

5. Frequent Indigestion

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Often times, indigestion can be explained away or ignored entirely. As women age, the frequency of heartburn and gassiness naturally increases. A simple fix is to create a diet of food lower in acid and stay away from foods known to cause stomach troubles. If the problem persists and is in addition to other stomach issues such as feeling full after only a small meal or loss of appetite, then there may be a more dangerous situation at play.

If you’re noticing an increase of indigestion, start keeping a journal to track the frequency of events. If the problem continues after trying different diets, make an appointment to be examined for possible cancerous growth.


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