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Ovarian Cancer Affects 1 in 75 Women: Get To Know These Common Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian Cancer Affects 1 in 75 Women: Get To Know These Common Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

3. Loss of Appetite

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A loss of appetite is a vague symptom that can be attributed to dozens of possible culprits. That being noted, not feeling the need to eat is a sign that something is wrong and should be taken seriously. In the case of ovarian cancer, a loss of appetite means the cancer has matured and moved outside of the ovaries. At this point, the lymph system and other organs are now at risk of becoming infected.

Awareness of other symptoms in conjunction with a lessened need to eat is important in being able to pinpoint possible conditions or dangers to your health. If you’ve noticed things such as bloating, constipation or pelvic pain in addition to this symptom, have a doctor examine you for ovarian cancer.


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