Do You Have Lupus? Is Your Immune System Attacking You?
According to the Lupus Foundation of America, 1.5 million Americans are currently suffering from lupus, an autoimmune disease which causes the immune system to go into overdrive; turning on and attacking healthy human tissue. Most often found in women between their early teens and mid 40’s, lupus can also show up in males and children. Genes play a big role in determining your likely hood of contracting this disease; about 20 percent of people with lupus will share the illness with an immediate family member.
If left undiagnosed and untreated, lupus will be fatal in about ten to 15 percent of cases. Knowing what to look for is important for getting quick and accurate treatment. Here are some common warning signs you or someone you know may have lupus.
Extreme Fatigue
One of the most common symptoms experienced when dealing with lupus is a nagging and sometimes extreme fatigue. Though not life-threatening, being tired all the time can be both depressing and debilitating. As of yet, there is no concrete evidence to suggest why lupus sufferers are afflicted with unexplained fatigue but there are a couple possible culprits.
It is quite common for people afflicted with lupus to also be struggling with fibromyalgia, an autoimmune disease that saps energy from the body. A second possibility could be that inflammation, brought on by your body’s natural response to fighting infection and disease is draining you of strength. Vitamin’s B12 and C are especially good at fighting effects of tiredness. In addition, staying away from magnesium and zinc is recommended as they are known to add to feelings of fatigue.