10 Commonly Misunderstood Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
Impulsive and Erratic Nature
Individuals living with bipolar disorder are prone to thinking, speaking and acting erratically. Typically, bipolar disorder creates an urgency in the patient which leads to quick decision making that may not take into account how those actions may affect those around them. When the urges fall away, they can do so quickly as bipolar disorder strips the excitement away from any given task or hobby, leading to a sense of boredom and defeat.
The fallout from these erratic, poorly planned decisions can have serious consequences in the mind of someone who is bipolar. Personal feelings of shame, damaged relationships and emptied bank accounts are all common outcomes of impulsive behavior. It’s important for those who are bipolar to acknowledge their condition and begin avoiding the things that trigger their impulsive urges. Therapeutic treatment is also strongly suggested to help in building a strong mental framework from which healthy decisions can be made.