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10 Commonly Misunderstood Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

bipolar psychosis


10 Commonly Misunderstood Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

10 Commonly Misunderstood Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

There’s a myth that bipolar disorder is a rare illness, seldom seen and always involving a, “friend of a friend”. The truth is, 2.6 percent of American adults – or 5.7 million – are currently living with bipolar disorder. Typically, an individual with bipolar disorder will begin to show symptoms between adolescence and the onset of adulthood. Diagnosis tends to be tricky, as the symptoms tend to mimic other illnesses. The chances of being bipolar are three times greater if there is a family history of manic behavior. Even if bipolar disorder does not run in the family, psychological conditions brought on by abnormal brain growth or environmental trauma such as physical or sexual abuse can become triggers for mania.

Here are 10 common warnings you or someone you know may be bipolar and not know it:

Bursts of Euphoria

bipolar euphoria

In both mild and severe cases of bipolar disorder, it’s natural for an individual to experience mind-numbing bouts of warmth and euphoria. This is often associated with high energy, giddiness and massive creative outbursts. Often, patients who enter this state of mind will become very much goal focused while feeling that they are destined for great things and impervious to failure.

Of all the signs pointing towards being bipolar, this one by itself is not something to be overly concerned about. Being happy, even if it is a little erratic, is not a serious issue unless it becomes entwined with more serious symptoms. Unfortunately for some individuals, these grandiose highs come crashing down, leaving them feeling lost, alone and possibly suicidal.


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