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Pinched Nerves? 10 Steps Towards Sciatica Pain Relief

Pinched Nerves? 10 Steps Towards Sciatica Pain Relief

8. Ayurvedic medicine

sciatica ayurvedic

Also known as Ayurveda, which roughly translates to life-science, this ancient school of medicine originated in India as far back as 3,000 years ago. The core values behind Ayurvedic medicine works by looking at your constitution or prakriti as well as your dosha, a group of life forces which balance your body. Through the use of focused diets, herbal compounds, exercise and lifestyle choices, Ayurveda can help reduce the symptoms of sciatica.

For sciatic pain, diets will often be heavy on fiber and carbohydrates; enjoying a wealth of fruits and vegetables while avoiding heavier foods, dairy and fried foods. Herbal compounds including juniper, frankincense, chamomile and nutmeg are used externally at the site of pain. Bed rest is often prescribes, as well as wearing lower back braces and light physical activity such as swimming, walking and light yoga.


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