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Pinched Nerves? 10 Steps Towards Sciatica Pain Relief

Pinched Nerves? 10 Steps Towards Sciatica Pain Relief

6. Spinal Decompression

sciatica decompression

Advances in modern medicine and computer has made spinal decompression an extremely popular way to treat sciatica patients. In it’s most basic form, the idea is to literally hang someone upside down, using gravity to pull their body and stretch out the spine. More recently, machines such as the Vax-D, AccuSpina and the DRX9000 have brought a higher level of control to the method of spinal decompression.

Be sure to ask your doctor before using spinal decompression as a means of treating sciatica. This method is most effective in sciatica brought on by misaligned discs in the spine. If muscle tightness is the cause of your sciatic pain, spinal decompression is not going to be your first choice for treatment.


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