Approaching Menopause: 10 Conditions Women Over 40 Need To Know
Rosacea and Flushing
A common symptom reported among women as they enter their 40’s is rosacea: a recurring inflammation, usually around the face that is often mistaken for acne. An unpleasant heat or warmth starts in the face, chest or head and causes a redness or pimpling of the skin of the affected area. Some women also experience a kind of fluttering of the heart accompanied by weakness or dizzy spells or night sweats which disrupt sleep, leading to fatigue. While the cause of rosacea and flushing is unknown, it is believed to be strongly linked to abnormalities in the blood vessels in and around the face which makes them more susceptible to inflammation.
For most women, rosacea will only last two or three years but that still seems like a long time for anyone having to deal with it. Luckily, there are ways to lessen the effects of flushing and rosacea: for starters, limit dairy and spicy food as these are known trigger foods for flushing. There are also a number of over-the-counter creams and topical ointments which can reduce or eliminate the redness and pustules caused by rosacea and it’s best to utilize them because if left untreated, rosacea does get worse over time. One study suggests acupuncture can reduce flushes by as much as 50 percent while just about everyone agrees getting daily exercise and keeping a healthy weight also cuts down on hot flashes and skin breakouts.