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10 Diseases There Is No Known Cure For: Avoid These Incurable Diseases

10 Diseases There Is No Known Cure For: Avoid These Incurable Diseases

7. Diabetes

incurable diseases 7

Worldwide, the total population of adults with diabetes almost doubled between 1980 and 2014. A disease which affects or impedes the bodies’ ability to process sugar; diabetes is a leading cause of blindness, kidney failure and amputation of the lower extremities. There are two main types of diabetes: type 1, also known as juvenile diabetes appears early on in children for unknown reasons. Type 2 diabetes shows up later in life and is almost always brought on by a combination of poor diet and body weight management. During pregnancy, some women become temporarily diabetic; a condition known as gestational diabetes.

While there are no known cures for diabetes, this is one of the few diseases that can usually be avoided by maintaining a healthy diet and watching your weight. Once diagnosed, treatments include insulin injection and other blood sugar regulating medications as well as regular exercise to boost circulation to the legs and feet.


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