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10 Diseases There Is No Known Cure For: Avoid These Incurable Diseases

10 Diseases There Is No Known Cure For: Avoid These Incurable Diseases

2. Rabies

incurable diseases 2

Rabies is a virus which attacks the central nervous system and causes inflammation of the brain. The disease is spread through the transfer of infected saliva, usually through the bite of an infected dog or bat. Symptoms include fever, uncontrolled body movement, fear of water and loss of consciousness. In almost all cases, once symptoms have begun to show, the disease is almost always fatal. Death can take anywhere from a week to a year, depending on how quickly the virus makes it to the central nervous system.

There are only a couple known ways to survive a rabies bite. The first involves a series of vaccinations over the span of two weeks. These shots weaken the virus enough for your immune system to finish it off. The second treatment is administered by inducing a coma to temporarily halt the brain from functioning; delaying the virus long enough for the immune system to fight it off. This method has only been used twice and is highly experimental.


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